Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Specialised in Medical Retina, Ocular Oncology, Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Teaching Responsibilities


Teaching medical students, younger residents, and nursing students.University of Athens, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Moorfields Eye Hospital, Royal London, Bristol Eye Hospital, University Hospital of Wales.Training on ophthalmic diagnostic tools, surgical procedures, and basic/common eye pathologies.
Teaching presentations of various medical retina cases.Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH) and University Hospital of Wales (UHW).Presented cases during retina teaching sessions.
Supervising and assisting medical doctors in initiating and organizing basic research for their theses.University of Athens, Institute of Experimental Research.Focused on experimental ophthalmology research guidance.
Assisting junior ophthalmologists in research and clinical studies on ocular oncology.Barts Health Trust.Collaboration on ocular oncology research and studies.
Teaching and supervising basic oculoplastic surgeries.Bristol Eye Hospital (BEH) and University Hospital of Wales (UHW).Procedures included LTS, ptosis surgeries, eyelid biopsies, and simple eyelid reconstruction.
Presenting oculoplastics cases during resident teaching.University Hospital of Wales (UHW).Provided case-based educational sessions.
Teaching postgraduate, foundation doctors, and junior trainees during dissection courses.Sheffield Eye and Orbital Anatomy Course, Medical Teaching Unit, University of Sheffield.Hands-on anatomical dissections related to ophthalmology.